The reason that we went to China was to go to a Kung Fu monastery in the hills near Dali. We were unsure what day it started, or where it was, so we took a day and decided to find it on foot. Three hours later and 20kms we found it in the hills nearby. Below are some shots from the walk.
Dali is known for it's marble, the name in China for marble actually includes Dali in it's name. Some marble is carried by trucks, some by mule and some by hand. Anyway there isn't much in the way of workers safety here, we in the West enjoy cheap goods partially as a result of this. The man below is hand grinding a marble sink without a mask... he and the air around him are saturated with marble dust.

Some offerings being burnt by local people. There are many different ethnic groups in China, so many it feels like a world unto itself.

Between us and what we thought was our destination there was a golf course. This is the long, long wall skirting the premises which we had to circle. Jacqueline, keeping to the shade.

This is the road we should have taken... near the bottom is the lake near Dali, but you probably can't see it.

Now it's starting to feel like we're approaching a monastery, rock paths, the smell of pine trees, dew on the leaves, clean air, and most of all, silence.

Feel free to use this as a wallpaper for your desktop.

We got there, arranged to stay there and then left. Those photos are for later, below the East Gate by night.

Dear Mark!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your breathtaking reviews.
Can you please say in what day does the program in Wu Wei Su start?
Thank you!