I can neither explain nor show how amazing this structure was, it sat there as if God himself were a skateboarder. I tried to get it from a number of angles but you have little choice sometimes with an object so big. At the top there was a building, go figure.

You can see it again in the background, snow on it this time as it's a day later and we had snow that night.

Another wonderfully built wooden and stone bridge.

Speaks for itself really.

The village of Upper Pisang, Lower Pisang was where we stayed, but we did make the 500m hike up to see the monastery above it.
This stupa sat at the end of a long line of payer wheels, adorned with payer flags with a background of home piled high with firewood.

We arrived during a festival, which I can't remember the name of, though each day they adorned a different animal, sometimes goats, sometimes cows, and sometimes dogs. While the cows were indifferent, the dogs, well, they didn't like it. Except the one of the left. Which loved it.

After an unwelcome hike up 500ms we got to this monastery which provided tea and a wonderful place to meditate. Occasionally disturbed by someone like me who went for a photo. Oh, how we hate ourselves.

The walk down. The homes pile the firewood high on their roofs and it becomes both a symbol of wealth and also a competition, one and the same really.

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