This is the morning of the crossing. Those that stay lower start earlier as the winds pick up, others who stay at the high camp can begin later.... we didn't bother with crossing at sunrise which would have required a much earlier start yet we had to begin before first light. Our camp was beneath the clouds and during the climb you are quickly brought above them, the climb was ardurous due to the altitude and temperature and while at times you sprinted a little to get ahead of people you paid for it.

Nothing really grows up here, aside from the snow it is otherworldly.

This is Throng La Pass, one of the highest in the world. The flags are Tibetan payer flags placed by trekkers and before them the traders who used this pass to transport goods between the Manang and Mustang districts. Each has a unique culture and biology. The Manang being more lush and vegetative while the Mustang is more desolate and dry.
Now the descent and the shift in both micro-climate and culture becomes evident.
I couldn't decide which perspective I preferred the most so you get two.
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