From Muktinath to Marpa via Jomson. Most people take a bus from Jomson as there is a road now and people say it's not a nice walk. We disagreed, I think people just quit early as they already made the pass and are tired, using the "it's dusty and boring" argument to justify finishing. Some people even fly from Jomson. I understood their feelings, in some way the trek seemed over for me as well once you stop after the pass, yet if you keep going you quickly realize that it is worth the effort.

This is the path down to the riverbed which you then walk down all the way to Marpa.

You can see how the mountains are folded seabeds raised up through eons. The riverbed is littered with fossils which you can find for yourself if you take the time to look for them or you can buy them from enterprising locals at each town.

The scale of the environment is stunning.

I think if I were to do this trek again I'd bring my own tent, cooking gear and some food as aside from the main route there are dozens of adjuncts you can take if you are prepared.

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